November Run
Kicsit elhúzódott az eredmények megírása, amiért szégyellem is magam valamilyen szinten ^^" Viszont szomorúan láttam, hogy ügetőre mindössze csak 2 lovat neveztetek, ezért kénytelen voltam összevonni a kategóriáit... :(
1. hely: American Strike, Sacra Terra, Oblivion y Hermoso, The Echo's Prisoner, Innovator, White Chocolate
2. hely: The Assassination of the Queen, Happy Ending, Solow, Embrace the Evil, Raise a Native, Night Elves, Mr. Migratory Comet, Sugar Devil, Obvious Kiss
3. hely: My Lovely Rebel, GW Sandocan, Army Soul, Redeem My Heart, Hellcat, Crosscheck Carlos, Darth Vader, Prince's Exorcism
1. hely: Crystal Clear, Arcina Gris, Legendary Cricket, Artistic Crime, Heaven Backwards, Comfort Zone, Genuine Risk, Scenic Stardust, Northern Tremor
2. hely: Avada Kedavra y Acertado, Heartbreaker del Iron, Sohigh O'Prado, Wit, Venemous Dream, Bahamian Blaze, Rainstorm de la Lande, Lord Hiddleston, Tiggy Wiggy
3. hely: The Devil's Advocate, Spain Burg, Hard to Face Reality, Benriya, Ain't No Model, Milton Freewater, Della Montagna, Qazar
1. hely: Stuff De'Vent, Russian Courtesian, Paranormal Sunset d'Oro, Selcouth Foxx, Bahamian Twist n'Shout, Scenic Black Demon, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Medaglia d'Oro
2. hely: Sugar Craving, Hoffenheim, Khalid, Pro Hot Hero, Miss Fortune, Bad Dream, Xtreme Dynamite, Russian Girl, Devil's Pride, Eye of the Storm
3. hely: The Pirate's Skull, Autumn Rain, Northern Trial, Pioneer of the Nile, Tara d'Oro, Run for the Roses y Hermoso, American Dream Patriot, Scahrlott's Fox
1. hely: Puss in Boots, Hazardous Waste, Leonidas the Spartan, Mystical Princess, Rising Star SH, Jotunheim, Xaohroa, Paradise Attire, Parker's Jericho
2. hely: Crimson Day, TC Sercei, Materiality, Angry Armada, Infernal Desire, Bandwithout, One Night Stand, Spectator, Wayward Son with Fortune
3. hely: Immortal Love, Hot Daisy SH, Violent Dream, Succor Beloth, Candy Ride SH, Just Om, Fiore la Rotta, Thunder's Prince, Pavel
1. hely: Szofi, Hello from the Other Side * különdíj
1. hely: 100.000
2. hely: 50.000
3. hely: 25.000
Ügetők: 200.000, Special Racehorse